You've finished some amazing work, and your client is thrilled. Now comes the challenge – capturing that enthusiasm on camera for a testimonial. The hitch? Your client isn't a natural in front of the lens. No worries, we've got your back. Here are 10 strategies we employ at Vouch:
1: The Golden Rule: Keep it relaxed
Keep it cool and collected. Your vibe sets the tone for the session, ensuring your client feels at ease and ready to share. Remember, how you wear your face gets reflected by the guest, so keep it genuine and wear a smile, always!
2: Just Have a Chat
Ditch the formalities and embrace a chit-chat vibe. Share specific stories, and stop trying to memorise lines. The real magic happens in natural conversations, it's not a robotic Q&A. Picture it more like guiding them through a casual chat, massaging the questions into the interview rather than a rehearsed interrogation. Natural to-and-throws are gold mines for authentic and compelling content. Everything in between can be edited in post-production.
3: Essential People Only
Distractions are the nemesis of a killer testimonial. Clear out the clutter, and keep only the essential people. Lights, audio gear, and cameras are distracting enough – create a calm, focused space, letting your client shine.
4: Don’t Stare Down the Barrel
Position the interviewer next to the camera, and have the client talk to the interviewer, not the camera. It’s much more natural to speak to a person than to a camera. They open up more when chatting with a person, not down the barrel of a camera lens.

5: Ask Open-Ended Questions and Then Zip It
Let your client have the stage. If they're pondering, let them. Open-ended questions are your secret sauce for letting the genuine stories unfold. Don’t worry about the silence; you can cut it out in the editing phase.
6: Use Multiple Cameras
Smooth out that testimonial by bringing in multiple camera angles. Editing between angles during the magic post-production phase hides those filler words, giving you a polished and natural final product. If you set up a behind-the-scenes cam, you’ll sometimes find some gold for social media.

7: Build Rapport and Have a Laugh
Before diving into the hard-hitting questions, throw in some small talk. Building rapport and having a laugh helps make your client comfortable, paving the way for a real and unfiltered interview.
8: Retake the First Few Questions
Stiffness in the beginning is always present. Once all questions are wrapped up, swing back to the start. Retake those initial questions for a more relaxed and authentic vibe.
9: Move On to the Next Question
Stumbling blocks happen. If a question throws a curveball, keep the flow going. Move on and circle back later. Let your client find their words without feeling stuck.
10: Make B-roll (Cut-away Footage) Your Friend
Jazz up that testimonial with B-roll footage. It's not just about covering edits; it's about giving your final product a slick touch, and keeping it engaging and on point.
At the end of the day, remember only 30% of all communication are the words that a person uses. The rest is made up by tonality, body language, word emphasis and the overall vibe they convey. By focusing on these 10 strategies, you can create video testimonials that feel genuine, engaging, and powerful. Authentic testimonials resonate more with audiences, building trust and credibility for your brand. So, relax, have fun with the process, and let the real stories shine through the lens. With these tips in your toolkit, you're well on your way to capturing testimonials that truly reflect your client's enthusiasm and your hard work.
Transform your business with video testimonials
Capture the power of customer stories to boost your brand and drive sales.